Call Handling Staff
211 LA Call Handling Staff continuous training and education videos
Care Coordination Professional Development
Explore our latest tools and videos developed specifically for 211 LA Care Coordinators
New Hires Training
Explore our latest tools and videos developed specifically for 211 LA New Hires
Learning Shorts
Keep in touch and stay productive with our 'Quick Training Learning Shorts'
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Community Resources and Information
211 LA is the central source for providing information and referrals for all health and human services in LA County. Our 2-1-1 phone line is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, with trained Community Resource Advisors prepared to help with any situation, any time. Dial
211. Our community services go far beyond phone referrals – explore our website to learn more at www.211la.org.
If you are calling from outside Los Angeles County or cannot directly dial 2-1-1, call 1-800-339-6993

Getting Started
211 LA Guide to start training.